*All Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Shall Be Done With The Infinite Spreadsheet ! ! !
Click Here to go to InfiniteSpreadsheet.com web site.Milton and Rose Friedman with Hugh Ching.  Click to learn more about `Chinese Economic Reform' a 1988 speech by Friedman.
C. V. Ramamoorthy, one of the founders of Post-Science Institute and the most knowledgeable professor in computer science outside of USA, and wife with Hugh Ching and Chien Yi Lee.  Click to a Business Plan on Universal Permanent Numbers.
C. V. Ramamoorthy, wife and his student Chien Yi Lee with Hugh Ching, the inventor of Universal Permanent Numbers.

"Post-Science is knowledge beyond science, beyond the establishment, dealing with solutions of value, software, and touch."

"All investments should run through the Infinite Spreadsheet, without which investing is blindfolded."

> Post-Science

> The Infinite Spreadsheet Valuation System

> Patent: Quantitative Supply and Demand Model Based On Infinite Spreadsheet

> Patent: Completely automated And Self-Generating Software System

> JumpulseTennis

> Jumpulse Dance

Post-Science Institute Founders/Top Intellectuals In Their Countries
Ta-You Wu/China T. L. Kunii/Japan C. V. Ramamoorthy/India Hugh Ching/USA
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東方人應該用東方最先進學者所提倡的〝後科學〞來推進人類的文化。西方人用他們特強的分析能力建立了西方科學文化。東方人也應該用他們特強的觀察能力來貢獻東方人所發現的後科學文化。以下是後科學實際應用的簡介: 東方 後科學 將挑戰 西方 科學
*介紹楊振寧與李政道之師東方物理之父吳大猷與後科學之父鄭佑超牛頓 的發明: 相撞而不彈掉的機器人觸摸 touch 問題的物理解答
*Jumpulse『躍衝』: Federer控球的秘訣: 延長球撞拍子時間
*躍衝將為北京2008 奧運在學問上最大的貢獻: 挑戰牛頓物理
*全面性自動化非人為的地產預測系統: 2007公開預測的成功
*自生軟体,全面性自動軟体系統: 電腦與生物科學正確基礎

Kenneth Arrow and Hugh Ching.  Click to learn more about friends of Post-Science Institute.

K. T. Li and Hugh Ching. Click to learn more about friends of Post-Science Institute.

Kenneth Arrow is shown at left with Hugh Ching, the Founder of Post-Science. Arrow is the recognized living authority on value theory. Below, K. T. Li is the chief architect of the Taiwan Economic Miracle and also of the Chinese Economic Reform. Post-Science deals with Post-Friedman economics and introduces the concept of non-violable laws of nature in social science, which regulates the Free Market of Milton Friedman.

Below, the left picture shows T. L. Kunii (center), Founder of the Department of Information Science at the University Of Tokyo, Graphics Society, and Cyberworld with Richard Stallman, who promotes economic freedom for software, while Completely Automated Software of Hugh Ching (right) provides technical freedom for software. The right picture shows Ta-You Wu, the Father of Chinese Physics and the inventor of jumpulse, the solution of touch.

T. L. Kunii, one of the founders of Post-Science Institute and the number one intellectual in Japan, sandwiched between Hugh Ching and Richard Stallman.  Click to learn more about work of T. L. KuniiTa-You Wu and Hugh Ching (founders of Post-Science Institute with C. V. Ramamoorthy and T. L. Kunii).  Click to learn about Ta-You Wu and his collaboration with Hugh Ching and Post-Science Institute.
Hugh Ching, the inventor of Jumpulse Dance, embraced by a fan and a student (Chien Yi Lee) after a Jumpulse Dance exhibition.  Click to see (for adult 18 and over) more Jumpulse Dances. Amy on Snow Mobile.  Click to see the explanation of Universal Computer Source Code. Little Puppy (Cathy Zhang, swimmer), inventor of the Twins.  Click to learn the concept of Self-Creation.
Jumpulse Dance
Hugh Ching, the inventor of Jumpulse Dance, is shown above embraced by a fan and Chien Yi Lee after a Jumpulse Dance exhibition.

Post-Science Lifestyle Priorities:
1. Knowledge,
2. Happiness,
3. Health,
4. Money.

Click here for the book Knowledge

Student of Post-Science
Chien Yi Lee is the inventor (approved by C. V. Ramamoorthy) of Universal Computer Source Code, which is simply integers from minus to plus infinity and should be the correct foundation for life and computer sciences.

Jumpulse Dancers:Push It

Future Students
Twins of Hugh Ching. All believers of Self-Creation.

Jumpulse Table Tennis and Double-Hit Practice

Milton Friedman (above with wife Rose and Hugh Ching) believes in replacing the Federal Reserve Board with a computer: The Infinite Spreadsheet can prevent setting interest rate above the rate of return and investors buying over-valued properties. See Fed Causes Financial Crises.

Deterministic Valuation
Real Estate Brokerage Based On Infinite Spreadsheet Commercial real estate brokerage system centered around the question: "What Is The Price?"

Post-Science(student) or Postscience(old)
From Pre-Science to Science to Post-Science

Infinite Spreadsheet
From Finite Spreadsheet to Infinite Spreadsheet
A rational decision must take into consideration all the consequences to infinity in time.

Solution Of Touch
Jumpulse is a sudden change of force. It is the solution of touch, collision without bounce, and of prolonged contact, the secret of consistency in sports.

From Man-Made Laws to Free Market to Non-Violable Laws Of Nature, which also define ethic (Evil Equation)

17 Houses of Zheng
DNA of Old Business Ching Family Solving The Problem Of Value
Chinese character version

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