An Old Chinese Business Family Solving The Problem Of Value?
The Seventeen Houses Of The Ching Family
Post-Science Institute (
(The Full Expression Of The Ching Family DNA?)
Where Did DNA That Solved The Problem Of Value Come From?

DNA is approximately time-invariant. The potential of what a DNA can express must have revealed in the past DNA before it finally fulfills its potential. The human civilization has been looking for the solution of value since the down of the recorded history, about, say, 5,000 years. The DNA or a combination of DNAs ultimately solve the problem of value must have some telltale signs before the final solution is achieved.

The problem of price or the question "What Is The Price?" can be considered the foundation of business. Whichever DNA solved the problem of price must have ancestors who are good at doing business. The possessors of the DNA must also know that they have the potential for solving the problem, if not yet the solution, and, therefore, would purposely leaving some historical trace to indicate for posterity their potential, if not yet the achievement.

The historical record of the Family of Ching, also known as Zheng or Cheng, goes back as far as 1129. The name Seventeen Houses Of Ching originated from Ching Chuan, who was the seventeenth in the family lineage six generations after the Ching family settling in Ningbo.

In the Song Dynasty, the Ching Family engaged mainly in scholarly activities, with every generation receiving governmental endowments. During the early Ming Dyansty, the Family switched from scholarly pursuits to commercial interests. By the beginning of the Ching Dynasty (not related to the Ching Family), the Family was well-known in the Chinese merchant community as the Ching Family Merchant Group or simply the Ningbo Bunch.

The Ching Family had started to expand its family dwelling since the Ming Dynasty. Today the Ching Family House, opened in 2009 as a national tourist attraction, stands as the largest single-family house in China, occupying about 1,440,000 sq ft of living space on 2,160,000 sq ft of land. Originally, it had around 2,160,000 sq ft development on 2,880,000 sq ft land. The House had been built with contributions from succeeding generations of family members, who were among the best businessmen in China.

Prior to its active engagement in commercial enterprises, the Ching Family members made literary contributions to poetry, its own family tree, and even one of the first English to Ningbo dialect textbook. Switch from scholarly endeavors to commercial enterprises, the Ching Family published numerous trade books, apparently, trying to back up its businesses with theory.

From its long illustrious business heritage, it is no wonder that one of its descendent solved the problem of business, academically, known as the solution of value. Hugh Ching, the founder of post-science, with SB, SM, and ScD from MIT is also a direct descendent of the intellectual lineage of Hilbert, Courant, and Grad. With the solution of value, the Ching Family DNA, which was reinforced by the Wong family, probably the largest land owner in Shanghai prior to communist takeover, should be considered fully expressed. The solution of value is disclosed in the US patent 6,078,901 Quantitative Supply and Demand Model Based On Infinite Spreadsheet.

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