Toy Dancing Doll, a.k.a. Chien Yi Lee, inventor of Computing With Integers, will become the most loved intellectual in the world, when current English-Like computer source codes are replaced by her Integer-Like source codes, as DNA, and is shared by Lotfi Dancing Zadeh, inventor of Computing With Words and Father of Realitogic, and Hugh Ching, inventor of Complete Automation and the Jumpulse Dance. Below: Lee and Ching capture Prof.Ram,C.V.Ramamoorthy.
With its solutions of value and (completely automated) software, post-science is the mainstream knowledge of the future and sets the foundation for the next-generation knowledge, as science has been the foundation of the knowledge of the past 500 years. The post-science problems with 50 to 500 variables are orders of magnitude more complex than problems in science with 5 variables. Also, post-science has solved a problem missed by science dealing with motion. While mechanical motions start with zero force, human or animal motions start with finite force called jumpulse, a new concept discovered by Ta-You Wu, Father of Chinese Physics, and Hugh Ching, Founder of Post-Science (Photo below, and with Kenneth Arrow, T. K. Li, Richard Stallman, T. L. Kunii in left photos). Post-Science Institute welcomes other thinkers to join its Knowledge Team. Please email to: amy(at)jumpulse(dot)com. Jumpulse is a post-Newtonian concept applicable to robot touch, prolonged contact in sports, and Jumpulse Dance.
Student of Post-Science Chien Yi Lee is the inventor (approved by C. V. Ramamoorthy) of Universal Computer Source Code. Her Computing With Integers when combined with Computing With Words of Zadeh forms Universal User Interface.
Infinite Spreadsheet
From Finite Spreadsheet to Infinite Spreadsheet
A rational decision must take into consideration all the consequences to infinity in time.
Solution Of Touch
Jumpulse is a sudden change of force. It is the solution of touch, collision without bounce, and of prolonged contact, the secret of consistency in sports.